Thursday, February 6, 2014

Motivate or Hate?

Thursday Thought Provoker:

Imagine if more people found motivation in others success rather than hating on them.

I am a firm believer in focusing on what you control.  I believe that living in a world where multiple constraints on resources will always exist, it is important to focus on how you appropriate these limited resources.  With that being said, I don't see the need to spend my most valuable resource, time, hating on the success of others.  Even if I don't care for the person or organization, I don't feel my time is well invested if I spend it hating on them.  I much rather use their success and all success around me as motivation.

My wife blogged about something along these lines a few weeks ago in Types of People.  It's amazing to think that people would want to hate on us and disturbing how many women spend time wishing ill on women they have never even met.  These same people probably spend the rest of their time wondering why they don't have or haven't accomplished things in their own lives.  Here's a tip...... Stop spending so much time worried about things you can't control.

90% of the time, you have little to no impact or control over the success or failure of others.  Therefore, if you are spending 90% of your time, energy, or mental effort trying to influence the success or failure of others you will not only fail in your hating! but you will also fail in your own life because you spent too much of your limited time on something you didn't control, other people, instead of what you do control, yourself!

Instead of hating, you should find motivation in the success of others.  As a father, I plan to model and teach my children how to wish well for all while finding motivation in their success.  I want my children to know and understand that their time and energy are valuable and should not be wasted focusing on others instead of improving themselves.  The steadily increasing number of haters in society is alarming and detrimental to the overall growth and development of a people or country.  If more people found motivation in the success of others to also do great things and succeed, there would be a continuous self sustaining growth.  Instead, we have too many people that look at what others possess or have accomplished with disdain and a dark envy that has shown to cause stagnation in their own lives.  SMH!

Imagine if more people spent less time hating and more time congratulating.

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